Wednesday, April 27, 2011

T-Minus 5 days and counting...

The Flying Pig 10k is looming.  My goal is to finish it in 1:30, and I really think that's an attainable goal.  Lately, my average pace has been right around 14 minutes, and that's with some jogging thrown in.  I'm hopeful that the adrenaline and excitement of the race atmosphere combined with my sister pushing me along will make me prosper.  I'm really excited, and yet my stomach has a pit just thinking about it.  I tend to psyche myself out about this stuff for some reason (a little OCD perhaps?)  I don't know why it is such a big deal to me isn't going to be the first time that I go 6.2 miles.  I guess the whole goal part is what has me freaked out.  So...we shall see.  I walked 3 miles last night and Thursday night I'm supposed to walk 1 mile. 

So many things have transpired since my last post.  Easter came and went.  The rain has washed away many parts of Dayton.  Oh, and I've lost another 2.6 pounds, pushing me into a new decade in this journey.  I couldn't have been more shocked when I stepped on the scale a few days ago.  I don't know if it is the new eating habits or the new exercise or what?  But, I'll take it.  One question remains, "When am I going to physically feel the change?"  I still feel heavier.  Even though people have given me compliments and even though one of my best friends told me, "Wow, you totally have saggy butt!"  (Um...thanks?)  I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I have done this, I have won the good fight, and I am almost to my first mini goal of a 20 pound weight loss.  Even my husband gave me a very back-handed compliment last night.  (

Here is a side-by side comparison of me at Christmas 2010 and me on Easter Sunday (no, I didn't slim myself down for the sake of the photo):


And, of course, there's this guy (YUM!):

At any rate, I am looking forward to the weekend.  Looking forward to the race and looking forward to the race being over!  I know that after the race, I want to go back and revisit the C25K program and I also plan to take up some Zumba classes at my church.  It's free, so why not?

Enjoy the rest of the week everyone!


  1. You are doing awesome! You can totally tell the difference in photos - I wish I had a really good before shot but I just don't, I always hide from the camera and I cannot find one good full length shot - I am too so close to my 20 lb mark ... I hope we both get there soon! And good luck in your race, you will do great =)

  2. You look great! Good luck with the 10K and keep up the amazing work!


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