It has been a very interesting weekend of learning for me. First, I learned my current weight. I'm going to give or take a few pounds because every time I tried to calibrate my scale it would start at a different spot. But at least I have a number to work with. An my initial goal would be to lose 10 pounds. Not too hard, right?
Second, I ordered the book
Eat This, Not That
, at the suggestion of someone on the blog who calls him or herself "anonymous". Not his or her fault, but for whatever reason, Blogger doesn't let a person post a name without being a member of Google. At any rate, the book is fascinating. So much so that I ordered another edition,
Eat This, Not That: Supermarket Survival Guide
. Well, here in Ohio we call it the grocery store, or better yet, Kroger"s". Certainly made me stop and think about a few things I have eaten in the past. And on that front...bad news for those of you who thought the Grilled Turkey Burger from the Cheesecake Factory was a good idea (and you know who you are because you made me split that junk with you once.) It has 1,331 calories and a whopping 31 grams of fat! Top that with 1,674 mg of sodium! YOWZA! Now I know a lot of that has to do with the mayo, but still!
Third, I went to our Sunday staple McDonalds today. Well, I had to because the new Tonka Truck toys are now in the Happy Meals. I mean, I would be a horrible mom if my kid didn't get another toy. But anyway, I read in my new book that you could swap fries for a yogurt parfait and save 220 calories and 17 grams of fat. So, that's what I did. And it was SOOOO good! Then I got the grilled chicken sandwich, sans mayo. I would have normally ordered the classic #2 combo, which some of you may know is the Quarter Pounder and fries. Good, but I always felt horrible afterwards. So, valuable lesson learned for me. You CAN eat at McDonalds and eat a decent meal. And, yes, my son gets apple dippers and the 100% Minute Maid apple juice. I'm not that awful of a parent.
I would love to hear any tips or tricks that you have concerning your swaps at fast food restaurants or when dining out!
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